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With ColorPro you can search the color formula by auto manufacturing, car model, year, color group, code, description etc. and besides that you still control inventory, price, and color of fleeters.

Thinking about the thousands of combinations and variants launched annually by the automakers, AkzoNobel created ColorPro thinking about the thousands of combinations and variations annually launched by the auto manufacturing. It is an extremely advanced and complete system, ideal for color matching and the control process of your store or bodyshops.

Workshops cost management module;
Advanced color search system ;
Virtual balance;
Faster and reliable updates via internet;
Customized formulas registration;
Variants comparisons;
Inventory and price control (CostPro integrated with ColorPro).
We have the right and the responsibility of ensuring ours and others security.

Keep ColorPro updated

When you are on a computer connected to internet, ColorPro verify if there is an update available to make. Whenever requested, make the updated to keep your system complete and with the new formulas launched.

In case of questions, please contact our Techline by clicking here.