Portal Segs: Women in Color – Project trains women in the automotive segment
Version: 01/03/2022
Sindirepa: Students from the Mulheres na Cor project are already formed and qualified for the vehicle refinishes market
Version: 01/03/2022
Movenews: Students from the Mulheres na Cor project are already trained and qualified for the automotive repair market
Version: 01/02/2022
Revista Paint & Pintura: AkzoNobel en alianza con Norton Saint-Gobain y SENAI-SP crea proyecto de formación de mujeres
Version: 01/04/2022
Show do Pintor Magazine: Wanda Refinishes arrives in the Dutch market
Version: 01/06/2021
Show do Pintor Magazine: AkzoNobel brings Batistinha and Lucas Foresti together in an unprecedented partnership
Version: 02/05/2021